I’ve been writing about pop culture for almost 20 years and I can’t imagine stopping any time soon. Here you’ll find all of my current articles and an archive of the stuff I wrote for my defunct site, Branded in the 80s.
GPK, Day 19, It’s a Mummy Weekend Part 1!
Mummy came in my room! I'm dipping back into my series 1 collection and unwrapping stickers...
6+6+6= Day 18 of the GPK Halloween Countdown!
We're up to day 18, the second to last Friday in the countdown. You know what you get when you...
Day 17 of the Garbage Pail Kid Halloween Countdown!
We're nearing the end of week 3 of the 2013 Halloween countdown and I've been having a blast! ...
GPK Halloween Countdown: Day 16
So, we're past the midpoint of the countdown and today marks the last day of the Mad Scientist...
I measure my years in Coreys…
Corey Feldman and I both share an interesting trait in common, we both use his filmography as a...
GPK Halloween Countdown: Day 15
We've entered the half-way point of the month and also this year's countdown to Halloween! ...
Enter the Lab for Day 14 of the GPK Halloween Countdown!
There's a new sub theme starting with week three of the 2013 Countdown to Halloween, mad...
I’m Running Out of “G” words to describe this GPK Halloween Countdown: Day 13
We're up to day 13 of the countdown and today things are going to get buggy with the last of...
Grimey GPK Halloween Countdown: Day 12
So, yesterday I shared my first Tom Bunk painted card for the countdown, and today we have the...
2013 Grim Garbage Pail Kids Countdown: Day 11
Today's monster GPK features our first vampire of the countdown. Though Haunted Hollis and...
31 Gross Garbage Pail Kids Halloween Countdown: Day 10
We're a third of the way through the Countdown and today's creepy card is one of the last of...
Ghastly GPK Halloween Countdown: Day 9
We're in the middle of the second week of the 2013 countdown and I have another twisted...
The Grim GPK Halloween Countdown: Day 8
So, continuing on with the creature sub-theme in this 2013 countdown I present a sort of...
Halloween Ghoulish GPK Countdown: Day 7
We're into the second week of the Countdown to Halloween and so far I've been having a blast...
Garbage Pail Kids Creepy Countdown: Day 6
So, continuing with the sub-theme of creatures with this Garbage Pail Kids Halloween countdown,...
Garbage Pail Kids Ghoulish Halloween Countdown: Day 5
Welcome to day five of the countdown. Today features a Garbage Pail Kid sticker from series...
GPK Monster Madness: Day 4
It's day four of the 2013 Countdown to Halloween and I'm back with my next set of monster GPK...
GPK Monster Madness: Day 3
It's day three of the 2013 Countdown to Halloween and I'm back with my next set of creepy GPK...
Garbage Pail Kids Monster Madness: Day 2
It's day two of the 2013 Countdown to Halloween and I'm back with my second creepy GPK...
One of the few non-candy treats I could really sink my teeth into!
So, confession time. I was a, er, late trick-or-treater quitter, or how ever you phrase that...
Garbage Pail Kids Monster Madness: Day 1
Okay, I'm gonna come right out and say it. I totally blew it during last year's countdown to...
So, I don’t go to yard sales but…
...this week's League topic is all about that one great yard sale or flea market find. Though...
With a handle like Smurfwreck you’d think blue would be my favorite color…
...but it's not, it's hot pink. Now that, that random bit of trivia is out of the way, I...
Thrashor is the Master of the Radical Universe
So this summer has probably been the most insane I’ve dealt with in a very long time, mostly of...
False Nostalgia…
Nostalgia and memories are the closest thing to a time machine that we have, that we'll ever...
Taking a Closer Look at an Awesome Bedroom, part 2: The Monster Squad Edition!
I had a crap ton of fun examining Sara's room from Adventures in Babysitting a couple weeks...
Taking a Closer Look at an Awesome Bedroom!
I was recently inspired to finally get off my butt and write about a topic I've been meaning to...
A Good Thing About Moving…
So I recently moved house, which is part of what's been keeping me so silent on the internet...
Filed Under, “WTF, why didn’t I know this!”
After writing about some of my favorite arcade games on Monday and talking with you guys about...
I’ve rigged all the cabinets so you won’t need tokens…
Getting back into the swing of things around here and as luck would have it this week's League...