I’ve been writing about pop culture for almost 20 years and I can’t imagine stopping any time soon. Here you’ll find all of my current articles and an archive of the stuff I wrote for my defunct site, Branded in the 80s.
Awesome 80s Bedrooms: Big Edition
It's been a little while since I sat down and dissected an awesome pop culture bedroom so I...
Making Collecting Functional
Finding myself with a day off from work, it's a winter wonderland outside, and I'm watching my...
Collecting Mead
I can't remember exactly where I first heard this concept, but there is idea of a "lifecycle"...
The 90s were so damn EXTREME!
This is a classic piece I wrote back in 2011 for my defunct site Branded in the 80s that I felt...
Peel Here: The Transformers the Movie Edition
When I look back at my life to when pivotal changes occurred, moments that changed the...
Excerpts of a Memoir: The Call
**Before you read - Trigger Warning** This piece talks about suicide. If you or someone you...
Pryde of the X-Men: Fact or Fiction
Lately, in an attempt to reclaim some “me-time” amidst the hurricane that is raising two young...
I’m So Glad I Found The Skull
As a nerdy father of two little precocious kids, I can't wait to have the opportunity to pass...
Excerpts of a Memoir: Tiny Car-Tooner
I never felt comfortable living "up North". In the 9 months that we lived in New England, split...
Excerpts of a Memoir: PTSD Smells like Bubble Yum
Bubble Yum can go fuck itself. Like forever. Of all the crap that came along with being the...
There can be only one…set of VHS Tapes!
Sometime in the year of our lord 1991 I acquainted myself with the movie Highlander. Starring...
Excerpts of a Memoir: A Thermos Full of Soup
The aroma of the cafeteria was meaty and sweet, yet with a base of disinfectant that nearly...
Reverse Engineering Wax Packs
My bud Scott Serkland, who runs Serkworks Art Labs, has been doing some wicked creative...
I need to do better
Fucking Ed Piskor. The whole thing surrounding Piskor and the women he had gross interactions...
Monster Squad Homage to Universal’s Creature Finally Revealed!
The thing about being an obsessive fan of a very specific thing is that your enthusiasm for the...
Post Reverberation
I love Robocop. I have since 1987 when I saw it, unedited and in its full gory glory at the...
Excerpts of a Memoir: The Fool’s Mate
I could smell the ammonia leaking from a box on the wobbly pallet from two aisles away, and I...
The Cinematic 180° Kickflip: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World Edition
Have you ever watched a movie, had a very visceral reaction (be it love or hate), and then...
Ode to VHS and my favorite tape of all time…
The other day I got to thinking about the small collection of VHS tapes that I have sitting on...
Excerpts of a Memoir: The Comfort of Harmonization
In Hua Hsu’s poignant memoir Stay True, he brings up this idea of the harmony of experience as...
Excerpts of a Memoir: I Can’t Breathe
“So basically, we’re at the part of the tour where we’re going to weed out the men from the...
Excerpts of a Memoir: Santa in the Trunk
Even though being inside our garage was at least 10 degrees cooler than the blazing Florida...
Saying Goodbye to Jason Gross
I have this morning ritual that plays out like finest of Swiss clockwork. Each night I set two...
Remembering an Autumn Harvest
On a rare date day, playing hooky from work with the wife, I found myself in a trendy, upscale...
Monsters Attack Mountain Dew
A few years ago the Mountain Dew brand went through a fairly massive overhaul of the visual...
The Mystery of the Lizard Man with the Ghoulie Hands
About a year ago I stumbled onto something pretty amazing while searching vintage lunchboxes on...
Resurrecting Mr. Bones
Over the past few decades, I’ve been blessed to have rubbed elbows and met some extremely...
Cult Film Club Celebrates 10 Years with Kismet!
A little over 10 years ago, back in the Fall of 2012 my best friend Paxton and I began...
Mead’s Rad Dog: Secretly the Best Trapper Keepers?
I'm always on the lookout for a few 80s era collectibles that I deem as essential pick-ups if I...
Escaping the Allure of A.I.
It seems like there are a million and one computer-driven visual art fads that have popped up...