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Day 17 of the Garbage Pail Kid Halloween Countdown!

by | Oct 17, 2013 | Branded in the 80s, Read

We’re nearing the end of week 3 of the 2013 Halloween countdown and I’ve been having a blast!  Though I was introduced to the Garbage Pail Kids by my mom when the 3rd series came out, I never managed to put a full set together of those cards, but by the time the 4th series hit in late 1986 my need for (read begging) had reached a fever pitch and to quiet me the parental units bought me an entire box of the new stickers.  This was the first set I managed to complete on my own, and thus it has a special place in my heart…

17 - Max Axe

Today’s ghoulish GPK is less of a monster and more in the heartless killer category with stickers 137a&b, Max Axe and Deadly Dudley!  John Pound, still contributing the lion’s share of artwork to these series handled the painting of this macabre masked executioner.  Even though my parents ended up getting me a bunch of these cards, I believe that Max Axe was my first actual 4th series card as I found one wedged in a book that I checked out from my elementary school library (probably one of the Crestwood monster or Ideals Marvel comic books.)  I remember being so excited by it, the bloody axe, the basket full of parts and of course the skull at his feet.  Years later my favorite aspect of this card is the hilarious little tuft of yarny chest hair!

Once again, I’m also helping to organize the annual Countdown to Halloween alongside the tireless and super cool monster kid John Rozum. So if you like what I’m doing over here, you might want to head on over to the Countdown site and check out the huge list of other sites participating in this year’s spooky festivities. There’s also a like-minded sister collective called Blog-O-Ween being put together by my pal Cody, the Crooked Ninja Turtle Sensi. Be sure to check them out as well.

2013 Count Chocula 200