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The Plastic Rocket Pop Logo

The Plastic Rocket Pop Logo

Do you ever just spend all your waking free time to obsess over redesigning your brand? No? Well, I do. Or did for the past 10 years or so. As much as I love my previous website (and brand) I was always a little unhappy with my attempt to design a logo. My original...
Before & After Ecto Cooler there was…Ecto Cooler?

Before & After Ecto Cooler there was…Ecto Cooler?

Of all the expired and long gone junk food products over the past 30-40 years there is one stand out that is probably the most popular and loved item by an entire generation of 80s obsessed kids-at-heart, Hi-C Ecto Cooler. Sure, we love our Ninja Turtle custard pies,...