I’ve been writing about pop culture for almost 20 years and I can’t imagine stopping any time soon. Here you’ll find all of my current articles and an archive of the stuff I wrote for my defunct site, Branded in the 80s.
The Transformers Legacy Boxart book will melt your mind…
On the heels of my Transformers Afterburner toy acquisition from this past weekend I wanted to...
Reclaiming another small piece of my childhood…
I think it might surprise folks that I don't have a huge collection of vintage toys from the...
Punching in for 9 to 5 Warriors
One of the really cool aspects of the 80s/90s era nostalgia boom is getting a chance to see...
Getting Slimed by the Oral History of Nickelodeon…
Sometimes it’s really hard to find the balance between being a fan of something and being,...
Awesome 80s Bedrooms: Pee-wee’s Big Adventure Edition
In my quest to search through and document all the fun junk in 80s era pop culture bedrooms...
Spotting some fun stuff in the new Robo Force comic!
So, as I mentioned last month the 1980's era toyline Robo Force has made a triumphant return...
8-Bit Christmas is the Fruitcake of 80s Nostalgia Novels…
This is the first year in a long time when I’m doing my best to get into the holiday spirit for...
Awesome 80s Bedrooms: Goonies Edition
In my quest to document some of the awesome kid's bedrooms from 80s flicks I've been kind of...
X-Men, Go and Save the City!!!
I've mentioned a few times on this site how much I love the Konami 6-Player X-Men Arcade game...
Awesome 80s Bedrooms: E.T. Edition…
It's been a few weeks since I sat down and got all OCD combing through a DVD looking for an...
Alternative Movie Posters bringing the Art back to Design
I'll be the first person to admit that I have my gaze set firmly in the past when thinking...
The Return of Robo Force!!
As a kid growing up in the 80s I felt pretty lucky when it came to be exposed to all sorts of...
I think I have a crush on Lynne Stone…
Even though I've seen a metric ton of flicks from the 80s, there are a lot that I've never...
Awesome 80s Bedrooms: Flight of the Navigator Edition
I wish I could finagle a way to like, make a living writing articles obsessing over all the...
Awesome 80s Bedrooms continues: Explorers edition!
I spent a few hours this weekend cracking open the cases on my 80s-centric DVDs and combing...
Awesome 80s Bedrooms part 4: The Princess Bride Edition
I've been having a lot of fun searching through old movies for awesome kid-centric bedrooms, so...
Halloween Hangover: Robbie’s Room from Poltergeist
Well another Halloween season has come and gone, but I'm not quite ready for it to complete...
Happy 2013 Halloween from Branded in the 80s!
Well, we made it though another Halloween season. I want to personally thank everyone who...
Day 30 is alive, ALIVE!
We're up to the, uh, eve of All Hallows Eve, and have the final classic monster of the 2013...
Day 29’s Halloween GPK will have you howling at the moon!
We're moving right along with yet another classic GPK monster for day 29. Creeping out of the...
A Nasty Way to Kick of the Last Week of the Countdown!
Kicking off the last partial week of the 2013 Countdown to Halloween with the head vampire, so...
GPK Halloween Countdown Day 27 wants to suck…his own blood!
For the last weekend day of the countdown I decided it was nigh time to share a true vampire;...
Halloween Countdown Day 26 will put a spell on you…
We're up to the last Saturday in this year's Countdown to Halloween, and I'll be ramping up to...
GPK Halloween Countdown Day 25, You’ve got the Body, He’s got the Brains….
Though there were a few obvious pop culture references in the GPK series from the start, they...
Day 24’s monster will destroy your city!
After today there are only 7 more days till Halloween! In honor of that I think Godzilla...
One last Skeleton for this GPK countdown on Day 23!
The skeleton sub-theme of this countdown concludes today with one of my all time favorite...
Getting Bonier on Day 22 of the GPK Halloween Countdown!
I'm diving back into my series one stickers for today's Halloween-y Garbage Pail Kid! Cards...
GPK Halloween Countdown: Day 21
Well, we're kicking off week four of the Halloween Countdown with a bang, er, or some bones. ...
Thank you Mr. Scheimer.
I never had the opportunity to meet Lou Scheimer and I regret that I was never able, in person,...
GPK Halloween Countdown Day 20, Mo Mummy Mo Mummy Mo Mummy…
It's day 20 of the Halloween countdown, we're two thirds of the way through the month and I...