I’ve been writing about pop culture for almost 20 years and I can’t imagine stopping any time soon. Here you’ll find all of my current articles and an archive of the stuff I wrote for my defunct site, Branded in the 80s.
There’s only one solution to the newest League assignment, The Peanut Butter Solution!
I've been having a lot of fun with these League assignments, and this week's topic is no...
OMFG! is pretty darn rad!
As a kid I completely missed out on the whole M.U.S.C.L.E. men craze as I was concentrating all...
Secret Mail Order Mysteries Fun!
Coming back off of a hiatus always feels a little herky-jerky, what with trying to dig up some...
Swimming in the League’s Moneybin…
So last week I participated in the inaugural week of "The League", a themed writing assignment...
Boys, Avenge Me, AVENGE ME!
Recently Brian over at Cool and Collected posed the idea that a bunch of us like-minded...
This book will give you a sugary nostalgic high!
One aspect of the American pop culture experience that I find endlessly intriguing is how...
Santa has entered the Grid!
Just wanted to take a quick break from my annual holiday hiatus to share this awesome magazine...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 31: Happy Halloween!
Alright Boils and Ghouls! We're finally here, Halloween is upon us and tonight lucky kids...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 30: The blood is the life…
We're up to our second to last post for the Halloween season! Today it's all about...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 29: Shhh, here’s some Cinema Secrets…
Just three days left until Halloween, and the beginning of the last weekend in the...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 28: Gardner Gimmicks!
Well, we're up to the last Friday in the Countdown, as well as the last couple of Tony Gardner...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 27: The last Death…
It's day 27. Only 4 more days until Halloween! I hope everyone has their candy ready,...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 26: Gardner throwbacks…
We're up top the last Wednesday in the Countdown this year, and today I'm featuring my third...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 25: Tony Gardner brings the gore!
Day 25 brings some more masks from Tony Gardner's Alterian Studios/Ghost Factory. With a...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 24: Klowning around…
We're up to day 24, and today I have my second to last Death Studios mask ad that was ripped...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 23: Death Studios, now in glorious color!
Well, we're at the second to last Sunday of the countdown and today I have another entry from...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 22: Universally interesting masks!
It's day 22, and we're starting the last full week of the 2011 Countdown to Halloween here at...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 21: Dick Don Tracy Post!
Welcome to the end of the third week of the Countdown to Halloween. There are only 10...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 20: Tons of Distortions!
Well, we're up to Day 20 of the 2011 Countdown and this one is a super monster-sized edition of...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 19: Screaming in a spiral…
Well, with Day 19 we’re exiting the 80s and entering a whole new decade of monster mask...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 18: Distortions comes into their own!
It's day 18 of the countdown, and once again this month feels like it's just whizzing by! ...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 17: Before Leatherface there was Ed Gein…
It's well into week three of the Halloween season and the Monster Mask Madness continues today...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 16: Elephant Man Redux…
After being personally wow-ed by some of the recent Distortions and Don Post mask ads, today's...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 15: I wonder if zombie Sandpeople ride zombie Banthas?
Well, we're just about at the halfway point on this year’s Countdown. So far there...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 14: Talk about Hack and Slash (I mean Bash…)
It's day 14 and I think it’s time we get back on track with something a little more...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 13: It’s a Tuxedo Trap!
We're up to Day 13 of the countdown and today I've decided to share the ritziest of the vintage...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 12: The Last American Werewolf Starfighter!
Howdy folks! We're nearing the halfway point of this year's Countdown to Halloween and...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 11: I am not an animal, I am a human being…
Today's monster mask advertisement features the work of Mario Chiodo Studios and comes from...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 10: Distorting Expectations…
Today's monster mask ad is a preview of sorts for a much larger post coming later in the...
Halloween Mask Madness, Day 9: Silver Shamrock!
Welcome back to another entry in the 2011 Branded Countdown to Halloween! It's day ten,...