I’ve been writing about pop culture for almost 20 years and I can’t imagine stopping any time soon. Here you’ll find all of my current articles and an archive of the stuff I wrote for my defunct site, Branded in the 80s.
Wax Paper Pop Art #32, Drawn to women who are drawn bad…
It seems odd that in just over six years of running Branded in the 80s I haven't really talked...
Don’t Talk to Strangers, said the toughest man in the world…
So I'm a little late to the 60th birthday celebration of Mr. T, but I want to rectify that...
Of Trapper Keepers and childhood identity…
Life presents us with a lot of opportunities to experience a right of passage, and the first...
Filed under obscure comic book adaptations…
I've recently rekindled my passion for finding and reading 80s era movie tie-in novelizations,...
Wax Paper Pop Art #31:Duh Da Duh Duuunnnn, Dun Dun Dun!
Since I've been starring at my tiny Hot Wheels A-Team van all week, and since I have a contest...
Delving into Ghostbusters: The Expanded Supernatural Spectacular Universe…
I had such a fun time reading the long sought-after Goonies novelization recently that I...
Wax Paper Pop Art #30, the Big Hairy Ape edition…
This week's Wax Paper Pop Art is all about big hairy apemen. Whether it's the hilarious...
The Dagger Games Project…
Brian over at Cool & Collected decided to use a suggestion I offered as a League topic this...
Wax Paper Pop Art #29, Assembling some of the Avengers…
Well, it's Friday and I’m really looking forward to the weekend and catching the Avengers...
There’s a little more adventure in the Goonies novelization…
I've talked before about my love of souvenir movie magazines and novelizations of 80s flicks...
Of motorcycles, helicopters, and heli-choppers…
The day job has been licking my butt lately, so posts have been sparse, but I had a few minutes...
This is how my childhood ends, not with a whimper but a BANG!
So this week's assignment from the League is all about looking back to that fateful year when...
Wax Paper Pop Art #28, The Ewoks Join the Fight!
Wow, I can’t believe it's been almost a year since I slapped together a Wax Paper Pop Art...
Yub yub BFF…
This week's League topic is in response to last week's Holy Grail & White Whale musings,...
I reject your reality, and substitute my own!
After stumbling upon The Quest recently I've been in the mood to try and seek out some other...
Of White Whales and Holy Grails…
It's been a few weeks since I've turned in an assignment for the league, but this week's topic,...
Gonzo was a plumber, but now he’s popping and locking with the best of ’em!
So I know it seems like I'm continuously going back to this same Fall 1984 issue of Muppet...
The accordion is the wave of the future, the Sound of the 80s!
Seeing as I shared the Weird Al/Michael Jackson congratulatory advertisement earlier in the...
Command considers us a bunch of losers, but we’re gonna do it right because we’re the best…
So I finally had the opportunity to catch up with the insane sci-fi musical extravaganza that...
I went on The Quest, and found Go-Kids Dreaming about Frogs…
So last week I discovered an 80s kid's flick that I’d never heard of before (The Quest), and I...
I think it’s safe to say that this is my favorite book ever!
Yesterday I opened the mailbox to see a package from Amazon and my heart skipped a beat. For...
I’m going on The Quest!
One of my favorite pastimes since creating this site is seeking out old magazines from the 80s...
Branding and nostalgia, what keeps me buying…
Since I'm so enthralled with the pop culture of my youth, it can get kind of dicey when...
OMFG! voting for series 2, and the new S.L.U.G. minifigs!
Of all the toy projects I've come into contact with this past year, OMFG! (Outlandish Mini...
The League week four, G.I. Joe figures that made me go "Whoa!"
I find it funny that I ended up preparing for last week's vacation by making sure I had a bunch...
The vacation is almost over, but there’s still more Muppet Magazine!
It's day five and I think we should be lounging around our resort today. While I'm away...
Day 4 = Mini Halloween fun!
It's day four. If everything is going according to schedule I'll be headed to the Magic...
Day 3 = Nerds Plushes!
We're on Day 3, and I wanted to post a quikie today. It's my favorite ad for this Fall...
Vacation, Day 2! More Muppet Magazine!
It's day two of my day job vacation, and I'm diving back into the Fall 1984 Issue of Muppet...
Vacation = Muppet Magazine!
I think I'm officially off my yearly hiatus now, but this week I'll be on vacation from the day...