I’ve been writing about pop culture for almost 20 years and I can’t imagine stopping any time soon. Here you’ll find all of my current articles and an archive of the stuff I wrote for my defunct site, Branded in the 80s.
Where do you let King Kong Sleep When He Visits?
So recently Brian over at Cool & Collected got the idea to start up a new community toy...
Saving Branded…
I wanted to take a second and let everyone know that I’m not like dead or anything. There’s...
Reunited with an Uncanny piece of my past…
Been a lot of personal “behind-the-scenes” stuff going on at Branded this year, but I’m doing...
Visiting my bedroom circa 1995…
So I am totally going to steal an idea from Jaime over at Shezcrafti today because I am...
Being Re-Gifted My childhood, Part 1
I'll be honest, for a guy who runs a site dedicated to his love of the 80s even I will admit...
Feeling a little guilty that I’m not a Mom from the 80s…
This week's topic from the League is all about opening up about our guilty pleasures. This...
Oh, there was going to be blood…
*Update* Oh man, I'm such a dumbass, I didn't process the phrase "Photo Assignment" on this...
If only there was a Crush-Station playset!
One of my fondest memories from childhood was all of the excitement and anticipation...
Where the Sidewalk Ends…
I usually try and keep the personal behind the scenes stuff off of Branded, but I've been...
My Trap Jaws are Ver-Clampt…
So while taking the below picture this morning I realized two things. One, I need better...
TMNT memories, or tapping into my absurd inner Michelangelo…
Digging through a box of keepsakes this morning I stumbled upon a couple fun Teenage Mutant...
The Wonderfully Creepy World of Vintage Strawberry Shortcake Cosplay…
Considering the most recent episode of the Saturday Supercast deals with not only girl's...
The League is in Love…
This week's League assignment is sort of Valentine's centric. Brain asked us to write a...
Shiver the League’s Timbers!
So the themes for the past few weeks of League assignments have been pretty broad, and this...
Getting Back in the Saddle with the League…
It's been forever and a day since I contributed to the League, so with the new year in full...
My name is Walter Kellogg, Cereal Detective…
From time to time I find myself flipping through 30 year-old issues of various Mom magazines...
You Can’t Do That on a Fan Documentary…
"[There are] …so many shows out there that are pushing or peddling products, you know, hocking...
See how they GLOW!
Even though I usually take a winter hiatus from Branded, I'm far from inactive this season. ...
Getting Seasonaly Traditional with The League!
I swear, this season is just whipping by at mach 2.1! Every time I think I can get caught...
31 Days of Monsters, Days 16 & 17: Cute Little Gobllins and one ugly Gorgon!
Alright, with today's two monster animation cels I've finally gotten caught up on my 31 Days of...
31 Days of Monsters, Days 14 & 15: Of Witches and Brat-A-Rats!
Still playing catch-up this week, so I have another double feature of monster animation cels to...
31 Days of Monsters, Day 12 & 13: Raul Julia would have made a lovely Bello Micawb…
Ack! I'm so unprepared for this year’s countdown, but it hasn't hindered me from enjoying...
Blame it on the Kraang! Talking Turtles on the Saturday Morning Central Podcast!
I recently had the opportunity to be a guest on the first episode of the Saturday Morning...
Before Branded, and hiking towards where the sidewalk ends…
I thought I'd take a quick break from this year's Halloween countdown to try and tackle this...
31 Days of Monsters, Day 11: Deadtime Synergy!
It's day eleven of the countdown and unfortunately I have another Real Ghostbusters animation...
31 Days of Monsters, Day 10: Scared Stiff, er, uh, he’s actually kind of scared melty here…
We're all the way up to day 10 of the countdown, and one-third of the way though the month of...
31 Days of Monsters, Day 9: Twinkie’s Witch
Day nine brings us our first witch of the countdown (there should be at least two more coming),...
31 Days of Monsters, Day 8: Battly for Belfry!
It's Day 8 of the 31 Days of Monsters Countdown, and today's creature is a little more on the...
31 Days of Monsters, Day 7: The Scared Crow Spector…
Being as un-prepared for the countdown as I was this year, there are a few of these monster...
31 Days of Monsters, Day 6: Sir Trance-A-Lot has already got a Holy Grail. It’s Ver-ary Nice!
Playing a little bit of catch up today (didn't get this guy posted at midnight like I wanted),...