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Party at Ground Zero

Party at Ground Zero

When it comes to Branded, I typically like to stick to writing and reminiscing about the late 70s and 80s through the perspective of a kid. I was a kid at the time after all, and there was a lot of culture that completely flew past my naïve radar. As an adult I look...
If You Build It, They will Rent…

If You Build It, They will Rent…

There are a million things that I love about my wife, but one of the things that I am coming to appreciate the most is her vision for making our home more than just a home, making it our dream home. Though I have a bit of flair in how I like to decorate or set up my...
Parenting Advice from a Ghostbuster

Parenting Advice from a Ghostbuster

To say that I have been through some “change of life” events over the past few years would be putting it mildly. Some where by choice, some circumstance, but all of them have affected me deeply in ways that I never anticipated and have caused me to...
Making Due with G.I. Joe

Making Due with G.I. Joe

We live in a pretty amazing time when it comes to pop culture fandom.  It seems like these days there is almost no fandom that isn’t being catered to in one form or another.  Almost every property and brand, both new and old, has a slew of products being...
Bootlegging Dreams Into Reality

Bootlegging Dreams Into Reality

The world is a very weird and wonderful place sometimes, and on occasion a convergence occurs where nerdiness, desire, design, theft, collecting, and multiple brand infringement combine to create something beautiful. About five years ago, before the craziness of Lego...