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Breaking into The Impossible Fortress

Breaking into The Impossible Fortress

I think it’s fair to say that I am pretty well versed in the pop culture of the 1980s, and sometimes I wonder if that hampers my enjoyment of the current nostalgic revival of that wonderful decade.  I spend almost every day of my life looking back at some aspect of my...
I’m in the Gosh Darn Club, right?!

I’m in the Gosh Darn Club, right?!

I wanted to take a second and point to something very awesome, the Halloween 2016 release from one of my favorite independent companies, 8 Bit Zombie! I’ve mentioned Ross and his rad clothing and merch outfit 8BZ on Branded before what with his super cool...
Cartoon Anxiety

Cartoon Anxiety

Though I mainly enjoy flipping through old “mom” magazines to find cool vintage advertisements for extinct products, every so often I do dip in a little further and read some of the articles.  Like the one I took a look at last week about kid’s...