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Ode to VHS and my favorite tape of all time…

Ode to VHS and my favorite tape of all time…

The other day I got to thinking about the small collection of VHS tapes that I have sitting on my shelves and I wondered, if I had to chose a single tape to display, what would it be. If you know me at all, I’m fairly certain that you’d know the film I...
Excerpts of a Memoir: The Comfort of Harmonization

Excerpts of a Memoir: The Comfort of Harmonization

In Hua Hsu’s poignant memoir Stay True, he brings up this idea of the harmony of experience as it pertains to loving a song, in his specific case, the Beach Boys God Only Knows from their masterwork Pet Sounds. Hsu describes the idea that as we’re introduced to a...
Excerpts of a Memoir: I Can’t Breathe

Excerpts of a Memoir: I Can’t Breathe

“So basically, we’re at the part of the tour where we’re going to weed out the men from the boys…” There was no question in my mind, even on the cusp of turning fourteen, I was still a boy. I knew that before I begged my mother to let me join the Science Club at the...
Excerpts of a Memoir: Santa in the Trunk

Excerpts of a Memoir: Santa in the Trunk

Even though being inside our garage was at least 10 degrees cooler than the blazing Florida heat in the driveway, it was still muggy and hot enough that I was sweating bullets. Because there were no windows in the garage, the only light that filtered in was from the...