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Return of the 31 Days of Monsters, Day 11: The Ghostbusters need to get Back to the Future!

by | Oct 11, 2010 | Branded in the 80s, Read

For all of those joining me for the first time, welcome to the Return of the 31 Days of Monsters Halloween countdown here at Branded in the 80s!  I had a blast last year, so again I’m counting down 31 of my favorite monsters from the Real Ghostbusters cartoon.  All of these monsters come straight from my vintage animation cel collection, and my wife and I tried our best to put them in a not-so-scary to really-freaking-creepy kind of order with the creepiest falling on All Hallows Eve.

Today’s ghost was sort of inconsequential in the episode that he appeared (# 111A, “It’s About Time”), but he’s still rather imposing, especially when you consider that he’s about 30 feet tall…

Though he doesn’t appear for long, he does have the distinction of being caught with a rather archaic set up.  The guys end up getting zapped back in time 30 years to the late 50s (well 30 years at the time this episode was released that is.)  With none of their equipment except a single trap, they align themselves with the firefighters that originally lived and worked out of what would eventually become the Ghostbusters’ firehouse to battle a city full of spooks that they mistaken brought back through time with them.  Using fire-hoses instead of proton packs they end up keeping this big red guy at bay until they can power the trap with the fire-truck’s generator.


Considering the quality of the Real Ghostbusters DVDs, the above cel might be the clearest anyone has seen this guy since the episode originally aired on television!

Come back tomorrow for another Real Ghostbusters monster animation cel as I count down towards one of my favorite on Halloween day!

Also, if you feel inclined, I would love everyone to spread the word about the Return of the 31 Days of Monsters countdown, so hit up those social networks and tell a friend (my twitter handle is smurfwreck, and I’m on the Facebook as well.)  If you’d like to read more Halloween-y goodness, you can also click on the Halloween Archive link to the left (the banner with King Kong), as well as heading on over to the Countdown to Halloween to check out lists of a bunch of other sites participating in this year’s Halloween blogging event…

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