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Postcards from the 80s. Want one?

by | Mar 1, 2011 | Branded in the 80s, Read

**Update** Wow, I’m super stoked by the response to the postcards!  A bunch have found homes all over the world, but there are still some left.  So if you’d like to receive one and haven’t written in yet, don’t hesitate!

Over the holiday a great friend of the site and all around super gracious guy, HooveR, sent me a neat Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles postcard book.  It was originally published by Random House in 1990 and features 20-odd removable postcards with all sorts of characters from the cartoon iteration of TMNT.  While flipping through it the other day I decided that it could be really fun to finally use this book as it was intended, and it could be a fun way to connect with some readers of this site.  These postcards have sat dormant for almost 21 years and they’re begging to be mailed out into the world…

The artwork on these is both kind of goofy and kind of awesome, and this weird dichotomy has to be shared.  So I’ve decided that for anyone who is interested in receiving one of these postcards, I’ll mail one out to the first 24 people who send me an email with “TMNT Postcard” in the subject line.  I’ll need a snail mail address to ship it to, and please, only one postcard request per address. 

I’d like to spread these out over the entire country if possible, and it would be super cool if, after receiveing the card you took a snapshot of yourself with it.  If I get any photos I’ll make sure to post them on the site in a new column tentatively called Postcards From the 80s (or something catchier, I don’t know.)

Here’s an example of some of the cards…

So if you’ve ever wanted to get a piece of handwritten correspondence from me and Branded in the 80s, here’s your chance, just click on the card below…