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PCP #6, I always wanted to shake a severed hand…

by | May 16, 2011 | Branded in the 80s, Read

Today’s PCP spotlight is on Micki who hails from the other side of the pond, all the way over in Spain!  Micki runs a site called El Escalon Imaginario, and though there’s a bit of a language barrier, just one look at his scans and photos and I know our Venn diagram of overlapping interests is practically a solid circle.  Hell, in the picture he sent he’s reading his postcard with a severed hand!  Now that’s style…

Also, if you look closely in the above picture you’ll see some pretty cool stuff.  In addition to the severed hand prop I spied a Super Mario Bros pin, Zuul, He-Man’s power sword, and a Breakfast Club poster…

I also really dig his graphic design style on the site, in particular his header.  If I’m getting the point correctly, with the picture of Humpty Dumpty on the wall and all the cool stuff underneath, then the implication is that after Humpty fell all sorts of awesome 80s and 90s era stuff fell out.  That is pretty darn cool.  I also love that he managed to Photoshop a portion of the TMNT postcard I send into an Ozzy Ozbourne record cover almost perfectly.

So if you get a second and want to get lost in the archives of an awesome Spanish blog, head on over to El Escalon Imaginario (oh, and Google translate is a great tool for getting over the language barrier…)