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Halloween Hangover: Robbie’s Room from Poltergeist

by | Nov 2, 2013 | Awesome 80s Bedrooms, Branded in the 80s, Read

Well another Halloween season has come and gone, but I’m not quite ready for it to complete move on.  I’d intended to post more during the month, but like always life got in the way and blah blah blah.  You know what it’s like.  So, as a little bit of an extra Halloween-y goodie I thought it’d be fun to take a closer look at another pop culture bedroom (I examined rooms from The Monster Squad and Adventures in Babysitting earlier in the year), this time Robbie and Carol Anne’s room from Poltergeist!


Now I’m going to concentrate on Robbie’s half of the room because honestly Carol A\nne’s side was pretty darn sparse and boring.  Seriously, there’s just nothing to it, see…

Poltergeist 3

I mean there’s that cow poster, a Precious Moments poster, and that baby carriage, but I’m falling asleep just listing that stuff.  Robbie’s side of the room on the the other hand is chock full of all kinds of 80s era awesome.  I mean just check out this one screen shot!

Poltergeist 8

Alright, let’s break this room down…

1). Darth Vader Action Figure Carrying case.


2). Toys ‘R Us Geoffrey Sleeping Bag.

3). Speak & Spell.


4). Empire Strike Back Host Laser Turret and Imperial Probe Droid playset

Turret and Probot

5). Star Wars Tie Fighter.

tie 2

6). Poster from the movie Alien.


7). Star Wars bedsheets.

That is a whole lot of awesome for just one scene in the film, and that’s not even counting the stuff that I can’t identify (like that blue robot thing on the floor just to the right of his mom or the weird 1988 Superbowl Champion poster above his bed that makes no sense considering the movie was released in 1982!)  First off, I have to say that it’s pretty cool that Robbie was such a huge fan of Star Wars, though I guess that was pretty indicative of every other kid from the time.  I know I had a metric ton of Star Wars toys by this time including those sheets.

**Update**  Thanks to Esteban from the Roboplastic Apocalypse for identifying the blue robot as Karrio, the Micronauts carrying case!



It’s also not even half of the SW stuff in his room…

Poltergeist 5

In fact, here’s some more in the above screenshot.

8). Star Wars A New Hope poster.

9). Yoda Hand Puppet.


10). Taun Taun and various Star Wars action figures (including Tatooine Luke, Hoth Han Solo, FX-7 Medical Droid, and R2-D2)


While collecting screenshots of Robbie’s room it was kind of neat to notice that the toys on the shelf behind his bed kept moving around from scene to scene so either they were always getting knocked over or Oliver Robins was having fun playing with them between takes!

Here’s one last screenshot with yet more Star Wars stuff!

Poltergeist 9

11). C3-P0 and R2-D2 poster (it’s dark in the screenshot, but trust me, I’ve stared at it long enough to recognize them.)

12). Darth Vader poster.

13). Bert & Ernie poster.

14). Kick ass Chewbacca jacket!

So, anything I missed?

Other Awesome Bedrooms I’ve covered…

Sara’s Room from Adventures in Babysitting

Eugene’s Room from The Monster Squad

Mikey’s room from the Goonies

David’s room from Flight of the Navigator

Ben’s room from The Explorers

Pee Wee’s room from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure

Elliot’s room from E.T.

Fred Savage’s room from The Princess Bride

Josh’s room from Big