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My kind of Pop Art!

by | Apr 23, 2010 | Branded in the 80s, Read

I’ve been thinking it might be fun to block out Fridays at Branded in the 80s for posting some of my favorite pop art, the super colorful simplified imagery of non-sport bubblegum card wax wrappers.  So for this first in a series I present the 1st five series of Garbage Pail Kids wrappers…

Series 1 1985 – (Which I’ve sort of talked about before here.)


All of these first five series featured Adam Bomb/Blasted Billy re-drawn by Tom Bunk…


Series 2 1985 – (Which I’ve talked about before here.)


Series 3 1986 – (Which I’ve talked about before here.)


Series 4 1986 – (Which I’ve talked about before here.)


Series 5 1986 – (Which I’ve talked about before here.)

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