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PCP Spotlight #4, It’s a beautiful day in the Neighborhood!

by | May 4, 2011 | Branded in the 80s, Read

Before I get into the spotlight I just wanted to say thanks to all the wonderful folks who requested one of the second wave DC Comics postcards!  Every single one of them has been spoken for, including the oddly specific Christmas, Birthday and Get Well Soon cards.  I’ll be sending the last batch out today so you should all be receiving them within a week or so.  Remember, if you want you can take some pictures with the card and send them on in with a link to your blog or what-have-you and I’ll make sure to spotlight you on an upcoming edition of the PCP.  Oh, and if you wanted a card but didn’t get a request in on time, don’t fret, in the coming months I’ll have another wave that I’m super excited about.  They’re a bit older than the 80s, but the cards are tied into the origin of one of my favorite things from my childhood so it should be fun!

Today’s PCP spotlight is on TL from the ever awesome I first got to know TL through one of his other sites, Flashlights are Something to Eat, which features some blasts from the past that are dear to my heart.  He’s got a great eye for detail (check out some of his movie scene breakdowns), and some great observations on the pop culture of the 70s and 80s.

TL’s heart seems to lie with championing the work of Fred Rogers, which is a worthy cause in my book.  I was lucky enough that TL took a stroll into the Neighborhood of Make-Believe with the TMNT postcard I sent out, and he even got a second with King Friday.  I think his majesty was a bit disappointed that the card wasn’t mailed directly to him, but at the end of the day everyone got a chance to see Donatello kicking Rocksteady’s butt a little, so it’s all good…

If you get a chance, make sure to head on over to some of TL’s sites and don’t forget to check out his Mr. Rogers podcast.  You’ll be glad you did!