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Nostalgic Bliss (Branded Podcast Archive)

by | Mar 31, 2020 | Branded in the 80s, Listen

On the latest episode of the show I take a few minutes to talk about the underlying happiness and oft ignored sadness of nostalgia, and try to relate a couple instances where my experience with 80s era junk has led to unadulterated bliss. In one story I talk about the Halloween Horrors vinyl album, and in the other I relate my experience when I received an almost complete set of series 1 Garbage Pail Kids as a gift.


You can find the show pretty much anywhere you catch podcasts, or you can just listen below!

In the episode I mention that I took inspiration from the awesome NPR show RadioLab, and very specifically I mention and share a snippet of the audio from Norwegian adventurer Alexander Gamme. Check out Alexander’s video of his complete moment of bliss here, and check out the episode of the RadioLab podcast that discusses Bliss here.


I also give a heartfelt shout-out to one of my favorite podcasts, Writers/Blockbusters. You can find the show on the Thundergrunt Podcast Network, and you can chat with the hosts on twitter, just follow @ThundergruntBob, @Jamie_Nash and @JimmyRGeorge. If you dig their show, tell ’em Branded sent ya.