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Monster Squad Art, Part 3

by | Oct 11, 2014 | Branded in the 80s, Read

10710926_10152738966882328_5146327273773526587_nFor part 3 of the Monster Squad art showcase I wanted to feature a few great artists.  First up this piece by Ryan Wheaton that I have hanging in Bradned HQ.  You can pick this up at his etsy shop!

Ryan Wheaton

Next up is the super cool dude, Travis Falligant who was the talented individual who provided all of the artwork scene in the Monster Squad Forever documentary for the 20th anniversary release of the film on DVD & Blu-Ray.  Travis has been doing a series of super awesome alternate universe Scooby Doo mashups where he’s creating episode of the series where Mystery Inc. runs into a bunch of modern era horror icons.  It’s a really great concept and he just recently illustrated his Monster Squad episode that he calls “The Mighty Monster Mashup!”





Check out more of his work at his neat website!

Last up today is another piece that I have hanging in Branded HQ that was illustrated by a supremely awesome individual that I’ve had the opportunity to hang out with, Justin Stewart.  Justin is not only a great artist, but his penchant for live art and illustrating in varying media makes me super envious.  I’ve seen him cover a 3’x4′ area on a wall with Sharpies and paint in just over an hour with zero pre-planning.  Insane.

Justin Stewart Mummy

Take a look at Justin’s work at his website!

Now for today’s Trading card!

Monster Squad Wrapper

Today’s card is #16, Rudy, know any virgins?

16 Know any Virgins F-B

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