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Monster Squad Art, Part 2!

by | Oct 5, 2014 | Branded in the 80s, Read

10710926_10152738966882328_5146327273773526587_nFor Day 2 of the Monster Squad fan art showcase I wanted to highlight a couple of seriously fun concepts.  First is the amazing work of Jason Edmiston who really knocked it out of the park with this Night of the Creeps/Monster Squad mash-up for Fright Rags

Jason Edmiston

Next is this totally rad idea for creating the VHS release advertisement for the “movie within a movie”, Groundhog Day Part 12 by Nathan Thomas Milliner!  I love that he gave this fake move the poster treatment…


Alright folks, time to rip open that wax wrapper and snag your Monster Squad trading card for today!

Monster Squad Wrapper

Today’s card is #9, The Gillman!

9 Gillman F-B
